The Festival opened and the Five play Repertory is in rotation. Our audiences have been lively and responsive. The first lecture on Saturday with our five playwrights was one of the highlights of the weekend. Over 150 patrons joined our conversation.

If you experienced our opening weekend…please let me know your comments. I am interested in hearing from you.

STAGE READING TONIGHT: Our first Stage Reading begins at 7PM tonight at the Full Circle Theater in downtown Shepherdstown. We are reading SHOOTING STAR by CATF playwright Steven Dietz.

Ed Herendeen


We opened YANKEE TAVERN and FIFTY WORDS last night. Both plays had successful performances. Steven Dietz and Michael Weller were pleased with the performances and production. I received many positive comments from audience members at the reception. I am proud of this 2009 CATF Company. I am very interested in hearing your reactions to our work last night. Lets start on conversation…

Today we will open DEAR SARA JANE, FARRAGUT NORTH and THE HISTORY OF LIGHT. All five our our playwrights will have a live conversation with me and our audience at 4:30PM in the FRANK CENTER RM Mo8. So please join us as we “talk theater.” One of our Core Values is: “to create a profound and ever evolving relationship between the audience and the work.”


YANKEE TAVERN and FIFTY WORDS had their first Preview last night. Sooo good to share our work with an audience. The CATF audience plays a vital role in the development of new work. The French translation for the word audience: “to assist the piece.” We learned so much last night. If you attended one of the PAY WHAT YOU CAN PREVIEWS please share your comments with me. I am interested in your reactions.

We have final Dress Rehearsals for DEAR SARA JANE, THE HISTORY OF LIGHT and FARRAGUT NORTH today. All three will have their first Preview this evening.

The PAY WHAT YOU CAN PREVIEWS gives everyone an opportunity to experience live-professional theater. We are committed to making CATF affordable to all our patrons. So come…and only pay-what-you-can. AND…please tell your friends. Forward this blog to your social network…And invite them to experience FIVE new American plays.

Ed Herendeen

From Nelson Pressley

Be sure to check out Nelson Pressley’s article “CATF: Telling Their Own Stories” in the July issue of The Observer. Here is a link to their online edition: