We are meeting with the Jefferson County Commission today to introduce them to the 2009 Season. We hope to establish an on-going partnership with the County Commission. Creating partnerships with community leaders and organizations is very important to us. Partnerships create an opportunity for collaboration. Successful partnerships are driven by a shared understanding of purpose. In an era of innovation, it is imperative that an arts organization has a well-defined purpose. Having a purpose will justify the risks associated with innovation. Purpose drives strategy and it helps shape the choices that we make. Purpose motivates our Board, staff and company members. Purpose reflects the importance people attach to our artistic programming. Purpose creates a direction for our company. Our mission: “dedicated to producing and developing new American theater” is about the output and impact of our work. If we follow our mission we will achieve our vision: “to create the future of the American theater.” Our vision is our future. The key to our success is to have a collaborative team of people with fully aligned attitudes and values.

So, here’s a question: What makes a successful theater company? Answer: Passion. Blind Faith. Talent. Naivete. Focus. A burning desire to say something important.

The formula for our past success is a combination of a sharp artistic focus, a smart and objective business plan, a fully operational festival venue, and a “big picture” strategic plan.

We are looking forward to working with the Jefferson County Commission.