I want to share the preliminary set designs and story boards for FARRAGUT NORTH by Beau Willimon. Set design by Robert Klingelhoefer.
Our concept for the Set Design: We want to create a “media storm” environment. FARRAGUT NORTH is set in Des Moines Iowa during the presidential caucuses. We’re in Iowa–set your clocks back to January.
“If the television series WEST WING offered up politics as an inspirational highway to hope, Beau Willimon’s spicy, new campaign stage dramedy, FARRAGUT NORTH, returns us to those comforting, cutthroat side streets.” Peter Marks, Washington Post.
Bob Klingelhoefer has created an exciting design that supports the world of the play.


SCENE 1. The bar of the Hotel Fort Des Moines, Des Moines, Iowa.

SCENE 2. A small, dingy restaurant in East Des Moines, Iowa.

SCENE 3. Stephen's Hotel room.

SCENE 4. The Des Moines airport.

ACT 2. SCENE 2. Morris Campaign Headquarters.
Bob Klingelhoefer has created an exciting set design that captures the “world of the play.” We are in the “world” of American politics. As a one-time volunteer for Senator Charles Schumer of New York and a junior staff member for Howard Dean, the former Vermont governor, Beau Willimon writes knowingly about political trench warfare…his new play reflects how his own self-described “starry-eyed idealism” dimmed amid the brutality of campaigning.
“Everyone knows to a certain extent that there’s a lot of nasty and duplicitous and unsavory stuff in a campaign, but some people might be surprised at how nasty things are behind the scenes.” Beau Willimon
“Some of the tactics and the way people undercut one another are real…The ambition and fear and passion and amorality and mistrust and loss and friendship and love are things I have experienced in my own life, and they’re all I can draw on, really, trying to create lives on the stage.”Beau Willimon
FARRAGUT NORTH lifts the veil on American politics…I am looking forward to hearing your reactions after you witness this important new American play at the Contemporary American Theater Festival.
Ed Herendeen