Random Thoughts

For those of you who attended THE OVERWHELMING BY J.T. Rogers: CATF 2008… I recommend: The May 4th issue of THE NEW YORKER .There is an important story on Rwanda. THE LIFE AFTER: Fifteen years after the Genocide in Rwanda, the reconciliation defies expectations. By Philip Gourevitch.

          “When I began visiting Rwanda, in 1995, a year after the genocide, the country was still pretty well annihilated… On the fifteenth anniversary of the genocide, Rwanda is one of the safest and most orderly countries in Africa.” 

I recommend Gourevitch’s article. It is a story about reconciliation and forgiveness. 

THE OVERWHELMING took place on the eve of the Rwandan genocide. J.T. Rogers haunting play ends as the genocide begins. I read the Gourevitch article last night. 

          “…and for the first time in fifteen years there is near-universal agreement that there is a possibility of peace.”

I am very proud of our production of THE OVERWHELMING. It was and is an important play. Please read the NEW YORKER story and send me your comments and thoughts.


While I was in New York casting the 2009 Repertory, I had the opportunity to see ANGELA’S MIXTAPE by Eisa Davis.  This is an autobiograghical story about growing up in the shadow of political activists.  It is a play about finding one’s identity and voice. Eisa grew up in the shadows of very powerful and intelligent women. Her aunt is the political icon Angela Y. Davis. Yes…that Angela Davis, the scholar and activist jailed for more than a year before being acquitted of involvment in a violent attempt to free a prisoner. But this is really a story about Eisa…her coming of age story…”How do I live up to my name?” is the pointed question that Eisa asks at the top of the production.

This production really informs and sheds light on our upcoming World Premiere: THE HISTORY OF LIGHT. Liesl Tommy directed ANGELA’S MIXTAPE and is directing our production of THE HISTORY OF LIGHT this summer.